Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Our next (unofficial) meeting

We met again (this time in our own time) on 02/1/2010 at 2 in the museum. We agreed this date on the Facebook thread that we made after the last meeting. Our aim to meet at the museum was to look at some of the characters we could use for the game and to see some of the pictures that Emily had drawn.

Although the meeting was only an hour we got a lot decided. We finalised that or main project would be a game. However we also decided that we would have a flash introduction and credits.

The people that attended this meeting was:
Duane Millett
Arjun Chohan
Emily Cox

This is the basic diagram we drew to show how the game is going to work.

During this meeting we also decided that the game would have 4 levels (Clouds, Rainforest, Water, Fire) and the introduction would be a flash animation of us stealing parts from the museum)

We decided that the levels would all end with one of the objects that was stolen from the museum being available if you answer a question about it (the answer will be somewhere in the museum).

As well as managing the other parts of the project I will also be making the menu that will link to the game and the credits.

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